Archive for November 5th, 2013
I love kickstarter and have funded a few things. My first one came through the other day, Pi Crust. The problem is that there seems to be the odd one that is coming through that don’t seem to put any effort and expert to raise cash. The worst I have seen, came up today(Home-School Quizzer).
If you have ever written a visual basic project you will know that Form1 is always the title. It is obviose that this demo screen was completed after page one of the learn vb manual and he wants to raise $5,600. Look at the app picture, most peoples hello world is better than that. The guy couldn’t be bothered to set the title of the app, he couldn’t even be bothered to write a question in the form all he writes is dog. I do hope this is some sort of joke but deep down I think its a serious bid for funding:(